Peter Kaye

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I graduated from Sydney Uni with a BSc and joined AMP initially in superannuation and later in accounting. Whilst at AMP I did a BCom part time at NSW Uni. After working in two chartered accounting firms for about two years, I moved into the commercial world in a variety of accounting, company secretarial and superannuation roles. My last position was as Superannuation Administration Manager with Email Limited until its takeover by Smorgon Steels and One Steel.

Married twice, I have two children, David (29), a Programmer and Web Designer who is currently on assignment with Yahoo and Susan (26), who has been working at Energetics Pty Ltd, a Climate Change consultancy, since August 2010. I also have two step sons, Kim (45), a graduate of Business Studies at UTS and Nick (42), a graduate of Fine Arts at NSW Uni.

I was a member of North Shore Toastmasters between 1977 and 1982 (serving as President in 1981) and have been playing competitive bridge since 1988 (currently a Life Master). >From September 2009 to September 2010 I was Chairman of the Wollstonecraft Bowling and Recreation Club and since then I have been the Treasurer.

After living in a town house in Waverton for just over 9 years, my wife Janice and I downsized to a unit in Wollstonecraft where we have resided for the last 3 years.