Richard Amiss

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On leaving in '61, I joined what was then known as Reckitt & Coleman as an Trainee Industrial Chemist whilst attending UNSW part-time. It took me two years to work out wrong job/wrong course and I transferred to Commerce and joined the then National Cash Register Co. as a trainee Salesman. Twelve months later I moved to their Data Processing Bureau as a programmer and spent a few years working on computers as big (physically) as a bus with as much processing power as a cheap mobile phone has today.

Married Gillian Wheeler, transferred to Melbourne as Salesman dealing with Financial Institutions. Two years later, back to Sydney, two beautiful children, Melinda (29) and Stuart (26). Travelled the NCR corporate ladder till 1984 when further moves overseas (USA) failed the appeal test. Resigned and assisted Fasham-Johnson to set up operations in Sydney. Took over the Sydney operation in 1990 and continue to operate as Fasham Homes located in the HomeQuest Exhibition Village. Am living in Glenhaven with my new partner Heather and her two kids Sarah (21) and Shannon (19).