I have been retired from the University of Sydney (teaching and research) for three years (as of 2011), but still continue my plant breeding research from home, and am working on a hybrid production system for bread wheat, and looking for commercial partners and others who could assist me with making the materials freely available to researchers/producers in developing countries.
I consider it an honour that I was able to spend my latter years of secondary education at NSBHS, and that I made many new friends, who I still remember with fond memories. Although I did not know of it until after the passing of my parents, my origins were Jewish, and I was naturally attracted to friends at NSBHS who were likewise. I have had a strong interest in theology over many years, and although I have a strong Christian bent and occasionally do lay preaching, my interests are diverse including the Kabbalah and spirituality in general. I have never been to a Synagogue despite what I consider a strong personal connection with my distant origins. I have some affinity for Jung's collective unconscious, and am sympathetic to the views of one of my dearest friends (aged 92) who died recently after surviving the horrors of WW2, and made a huge impact on Australian agriculture after leaving his homeland in Hungary (also my parents origins). He was an atheist but believed in the passing on of "Genetic Memory". I and a close cousin in America grew up with the belief that we should leave the world in a better condition than had we not been here - that has pretty much been our philosophy - one of leaving our soul print behind us - and that is why we are here, no matter how small our contribution.
We live on a small horse farm at the foot of the Razorback in the town of Cawdor, and I also grow my wheat at that location which is only a few km. from my former Institute at Cobbitty, where I am a research associate. Besides talking to my plants, I read a lot considering the many hours I spend on dialysis. Despite the difficulties which also come from ageing, I am very contented. My daughter and grandaughter (and many horses) also live with us at home, and that certainly makes life interesting and pleasurable. And it is nice to be away from the noise of the city.
I now look back on the past, including my brief years at NSBHS, and can honestly say that I'm glad I was one of you,
and I really appreciate the efforts of those of you who have worked so hard to contact people and bring about the reunions.