By comparison with some of the bios I have seen, mine is fairly straightforward.
Thanks to some eye problems, I gave up surfing a few years back but still ski occasionally.
Other than that, after leaving school, I did a BA and then Law, part time, at Sydney University,
working in various bizarre jobs including from shoe salesman and lifeguard in the Legal Aid
Commission and then with one of Sydney's major firms of solicitors.
I then became a barrister and, for some reason about which it is probably not good to speculate,
developed a fairly interesting criminal law practice, acting for some notable, if criminal,
characters. I also became involved in various enquiries including into British nuclear tests,
the building industry, Aboriginal deaths in custody and, in due course, got involved in prosecutions
for war crimes.
Since then, I have taken this appointment to the Supreme Court.
I have been and am, once again, a New South Wales Law Reform Commissioner and have been a consultant
to the Australian Law Reform Commission.
In 1978, I married Barbara Ramjan who is a philosopher a tribunal member. We have two sons, Evan,
aged 18, doing physiotherapy and Liam, aged 15.
I am finding this deluge of information and rush to electronic reunion quite intimidating, but
overall I think it is very good to hear from you all (if my computers, e-mail and archiving
capacity can stand it).