Peter Keating

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Carrying 5 years of failed French into the Leaving Certificate meant immediate full time work (‘ANZ Bank took anybody’) and eventually part-time at Macquarie. I was still studying in 2003.

My poorly thought through plan to marry late and never have children was dumped when Wendy Blunt said she’d marry me. Our marriage lasts happily to this day and we’re very proud of our five children and 9 wonderful grandchildren so far (2014).

In this 54th year of working full-time it is clear the 43 years of banking were a short term preparation for commencing a business my oldest son joined to ‘give a good idea a boost’. Nathan Keating now runs our company; Pearl Financial Services and I contribute as much as I can.

My working life has involved good times in Sydney, London, Canberra and now Melbourne where all immediate family members are based

I look back with the fondest of memories of school when our collective misbehaviours produced blanketing smoke, fire-bombed bins, much hilarity and public inconvenience on trains.