Finished @ NSBHS in 1961 and managed to pass fairly well but the oldies insisted I go with
them to Melbourne( the old man was with the Shell Co).
1962 was at Melbourne High which was very good and a lot of time playing sport, even union.
1963 started medicine at Melbourne uni and graduated in 1968.
Two years at a general teaching hospital and then 3 years doing Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the
Royal Womens hospital for which I am organising a 30 year reunion.
Went to Malaysia as the O&G specialist to the RAAF at Butterworth for 9/12( an appropriate time for an O&G)
then off to the UK for 3 years. Just before starting at the Womens I married and had 2 sons before leaving
for Malaysia. On returning from the UK I spent 7 years in Hamilton in western Victoria before moving to
Warrnambool in the South west of Victoria as a specialist O&G and am still here. In the intervening period
I have remarried and now have 2 daughters aged 7 & 5 and so will be working for the next 20 or so years
and so will look forward to the 50th and 60th reunions. Look forward to the 20th Oct.