Richard Amiss writes:
"You list Tim Ford as missing.
He is living in New York as the head of military for United Nations on secondment from the
Australian Army (or something similar). His email address is TimandChrisFord@aol.com "
Chris Hunt writes:
Congratulations on your work in getting the reunion process off and running - I'm thoroughly
enjoying the constant stream of nostalgic Emails!
Just a suggestion about the venue for any function: how would people feel about returning to the
scene of (here insert 'our triumphs' and/or 'the crime', as appropriate) and having a catered
function in the school hall?
I'm pretty sure it's used for such things from time to time, and the current school authorities
would no doubt (but mistakenly) feel that we're old enough to be trusted. Possibly some access
to other parts of the place (if there's anything left from our days) could also be arranged!"
Wayne Ryan provides the following in case cv's are going to be compiled...:
"Following NSBHS, I found myself doing agricultural science at Sydney University, primarily I
think on the basis of a Vocational Guidance recommendation which picked up on my interest in
things rural. Unfortunately this interest was largely the result of holidays on a farm near Tamworth
with a family including two delightful daughters, rather than any real interest in agriculture.
However, I found that I enjoyed the course once I started to specialise in agricultural economics
and this led to a position in the then Bureau of Agricultural Economics in Canberra. After five
years in commodity research positions, I was posted to London as an agricultural attache for
three years.
Somewhat to my surprise, I then ended up spending my whole career in the Commonwealth
agriculture department in its various guises in a range of policy advising/program administration
positions concerned with domestic and export marketing of Australian food.. At the time of my
retirement at the end of 1999, my main responsibilities were programs aimed at improving
Australia’s export performance to Asia, particularly through improved supply chain management.
In 1969, I married Judy, a pharmacist, and we have two adult sons. Steven works for a
Canberra Internet company and Trevor has now been in Japan for a bit over a year, teaching
English after completing an Arts Law degree.
Over the past year, I have had a great time, including exploring parts of Australia I haven't seen
before in our four wheel drive camping van and more time at our beach house at Broulee on the
NSW south coast. Overseas beckons if the Australian dollar ever improves.
Long time member of the ALP, but find it difficult to maintain my rage when Gough and Malcolm
cuddle up together."
Can I suggest that you should all feel free to e-mail to everyone if you have things to say (just
copy the mailing list to circulate it)....?
regards to all (and keep lookign for lost bretheren...!)