Tony Friend writes:

"Even from California, we can try to help with a bit of sleuthing: Rodney Watts is living in Perth, working as a mining consultant. His address is:
1045 Jarrah Road,
Mundaring, WA 6073
Phone: 089-295-2946
Also, somewhere in one of the emails, Marc Thompson wrote: "In an old list (10 years old?) produced by Geoff Butlin, Bruce Rudd was listed as deceased." My mother, who knew his aunt, thinks that this info is correct, although we are not absolutely certain.
I hope this helps - Cheers"
Anyone else can confirm?? Also, anyone want to find out Rodney Watts' e-mail address???

Rob Ferguson writes:

"If anyone is interested in The History of NSBHS (to 1962) there is a copy displayed in pride of place in the window of the Cambria Bookshop in the main street of Blackheath at the bargain basement price of $30. I know I already have a copy filed away somewhere in a packing case in the garage so I wasn't tempted.

Just another titbit: I saw a Brown Falcon gliding overhead the other day. Made me wonder which one is our North Sydney Falcon. According to my bird book the Australian falcons are the Peregrine, Grey, Little, Black, Brown Falcons and the Nankeen Kestrel(no Bismark, Coral or Gold!). Did our founding fathers spell out which one is ours? Abridged descriptions from my bird book are:

Peregrine:"Extremely fast falcon with heavy dark moustache"
Black Falcon: "Large,fast,agile, all-black"
Grey Falcon: "Smokey-grey, with wispy moustache. Favours waterholes"
Little Falcon: "Small,dark, extremely fast with black moustache and rufous underparts"
Brown Falcon: "Slow moving, favouring dead trees"
Nankeen Kestrel: "Small long-tailed, hovering falcon, calls 'ee agh' and clucks"
Food for thought?"

Roger Cook has found another one!!!:

"Bruce R Gerard: General practitioner PO Box 836 Goulburn 2580"

Any more.......?????