Rod Wise writes:
"I see that there is a clamour for this document. There are currently four offered for sale on the
Internet. Just log on to the web site www.bibliofind.com and put H.M. Storey in the Author box
and away you go.
The prices range from $30 to $55."
and speaking of Rod Wise, Ian Kaplin writes:
"Rod Wise wrote:
"Well, chaps, you can lay off journos for a couple of days...."
No, lets keep at them. After all, isn't it a bit suss that Rod, from whom the wit normally flows
non-stop, should remain mute until a prize is announced. Draw your own conclusions."
Harley Wright writes:
"The drama of Pettigrew's pants has haunted me these last 40 years ....
It was a lunch time when Ms Spies was on playground duty in the main quad (1961, I believe).
We 5th year lads were a bit restless (because of Ms S).
It was decided (note 3rd person) that a smoke bomb was needed. Yours truly, having some
experience in these matters, but having no ingredients, inveigled a science monitor to provide
them (Graham Balfe, are you reading
So, armed with zinc dust and sulfur (sorry guys, IUPAC decrees that for uniform spelling and
data base searching it is 'sulfur' - but of course it was sulphur in those days) but no proper
container, said ingredients were put in a paper bag (public service training to use passive voice,
to avoid responsibility - boy, you can see I learnt some grammar and parsing, despite a B in
Fuse no problem, just a bit of sash cord, part of which had previously been soaked in potassium
nitrate and dried.
But let's retrack. A great excitement of 'bombs' was just having the container in the quad with a
smoking fuse and a big ring, chanting, "bomb, bomb, etc". Imaginative, weren't we! So it was
discovered that even putting a paper bag with a fuse in it was pretty good. We'ld all get to stand
in a circle and chant away, and eventually it was realised to be a fake. But there was a
difference. The diameter of the circle! It was wise to look around and see how far from the
smoking thing the likely culprits were standing. If they were close in to the paper bag, you could
bet it was just a Clayton's one. But still good for the stir
So there it was. A paper bag, with a bit of smoke, for a bit of a stir when Ms S was on
playground duty. And Prefect Ian Pettigrew was there too.
Well, after the plague of fake bombs in paper bags, guess what our hero Prefect did? Ian,
perhaps you were trying to impress Ms S?
Yes, he stood on it - right on top of it and looked round the circle smugly and defiantly. He
thought he had called our bluff. Sorry Ian, you couldn't have noticed that this was a LARGE
circle of some diameter!
He stood there Phoenix like, surrounded with lovely white, dense smoke. He looked down
disbelievingly. He saw a coating of white smoke on his trousers and shoes. With his hand he
dusted the smoke on his trousers.
Lo, they split in half at the front crease, burnt through along the crease!
Oh, boys can be cruel. We laughed and laughed.
Normally those responsible for these things got away with it. But this was different.
Somebody's pants were ruined. Some prefects identified a number of likely culprits and said
that if they paid for the pants they would drop the charges. That little episode cost me 13/4. I
think the pants were valued at 4pounds and 6 of us were fingered."