There are two messages in this one. The first is a job for you to do for Michael Hooper. The second is a trip down memory lane....



Michael Hooper writes:

"I have been appointed" the class photographer. Could class 1957-1961 members either email me a recent photo of themselves or send me a photo or negative that I will scan in? There will also be photos taken at the event.".

Please e-mail them to: (or by mail to Prof M. Hooper, Department of Endocrinology, University of Sydney, NSW 2006)



Editors: P. Fisher & J. Harrison (Harvey House)


Lady Macbeth's garments by berlei; Lights by Alec Tricity; Furs by "Les chats de rue Falcon"; Catering by world famous chef Luigi.

on a more serious note:-

Coca Cola, Mr. & Mrs. Archer for their assistance with the band; R. Bartram for lighting; costumes from the Burlington Theatrical Company Dayne Wigs.

For Friday Night’s Performance:

Gentlemen, do you have a bad seat or a cranky girlfriend? If so, the Revue Committee have just the thing for you! They are offering a single seat in the front row to the first applicant.

Personal Column:

We the editors, wish to offer our commiserations to the toast of the city, ….for his swollen cheek and to that nice looking lady seen walking around the quadrangle on Fridays at lunchtime for her swollen hand.


Chairman: R. Winkler

Producer: R. Connell

Assistant Producer: M. Coles

Lights: M. Cotes

Assistants: B. Mirrow, B. Marks, L. Levy, J: Walker

Scripts: G. James

Stage Manager: R. Nicoll

Business Manager: I. Pettigrew

Censor: Mr "Bert" Thomas


In case of fire, throw this in

Due to unsavoury scripts and heavy censorship, the duration of the Revue will be thirty minutes with a two hour break for interval.

Gentlemen:. For your convenience! Please place your bottle requirements with the doorman BEFORE 8.30pm as the management wishes to obtain supplies from Calude’s before interval.

Ladies: For your convenience……. first turn on the left..

The Staff would like to add their contribution: "On no account will we be lampooned in the revue!"

Compere: D. Levine.

1. Opening B. Scott, J. Harrison, J. Carlsson, M. Watson, R. Blyton,

J. Harkness.

2. The Diggers (by G. James) J. Robertson, R, Sekel, R. Game.

3. Band . J. Archer, P. Dawson; M. Coles, J.Butterworth

4. Crown Prosecutor. (by A.Nonymus): D.Sutherland, A. Williams

5. Door Trouble (by B.Donald) R. Sweet. A.Taussig, B. Donald.

6. Prefects Duet: (by R.Witton) R.Witton, I.Pettigrew

7. Return to North Sydney

(by R. Gordon, R. Connell): S. Bains

8. Band

9. Life and Death (by D.Fegent) H. Poder, D. Fegent,, D. Pohl, D.Sutherland,, A. Williams.


10. The Band

11. I Presume (by P. Dawson) R. Sweet, R. Sekel

12. Bartholomew the Elephant (by G.James) R. Horsefield, J. Harrison, M.Watson,.R Blyton.

13. Band

14. Macbeth (by R. Gordon, G James, R Connell) S. Ratner, J. Friend, B. Donald, M. Thompson,J. Watson, Ron Witton,

P.Diamond, Q. Potter, R. Sweet,

15.Orchestra (by R. Connell) D. Wyndham, R. Game.

16. Peter Gunn (by G. James) R. Sekel, A. Taussig, M. Thompson.

We would like to welcome our Prime Minister Mr. Menzies, who is making a short visit to Australia for his election. We hope the visit won't be too tiring for our beloved Prime Minister who, after all, is getting a bit long in the chin.

OBITUARY:: It is with deep regret we note the passing of South Africa. Our Mr. Menzies was with South Africa on her deathbed. We offer our condolences to her relations and family "Requiascat in Pace".

For those who remember, the cover was the school badge but with a plucked falcon, and the motto underneath had been changed to "He Who Got Conked".

The program I have worked on for this e-mail has been supplied by David Levine. Those of you who have been with the e-mails for some time, will recall an earlier e-mail with the following write-up of the Revue from The Falcon:

"The 1961 Fifth Year. Revue was the outcome of months of planning and much hard work by the cast and the stage-crew. The idea of the producers was to keep the sketches short and the show moving as fast as possible. With the co-operation of script-writers and the coordination of the compere, this aim was achieved and the show was thus livelier and more entertaining.

Compere of the Revue was David Levine, whose highly successful combination of humour and business kept the show under way and smoothed over some anxious moments backstage. His opening line will long be remembered by boys at the School.

The co-producers for 1961 were Martin Coles and Robert Connell. Martin Coles also looked after the highly technical affairs of lighting and sound effects, with Jim Walker, and the quality of his work will be appreciated by all who saw the show.

Stage-manager. was Ross Nicole, who had the frustrating task of arranging scenery, providing props and moving curtains, all at high speed. Dodging around actors with a small crew of stage-hands, he was probably the most cursed of people but did a remarkable job in these conditions.

The Revue Band was led by John Archer on trumpet and piano and included Paddy Dawson on clarinet, Martin Coles on tea-chest bass, and John Butterworth on drums. The band started practising months before anyone else, and was a great. comfort to the producers. We would like to thank Mrs. Archer for all she put up with during these rehearsals.

Finance was ably handled by lan Pettigrew and Richard Gordon (who still has all the money) and the refreshments were arranged by Tom Gibian and Peter Copleston.

Some of the highlights of the Revue were Richard Horsfield's Alphonse and his tame elephant Bartholomew; the gorgeous chorus of Can-Can girls, the travelogue "Return to North Sydney" with Steve Caines and Chris Tennant; and the one witty sketch "Peter Gunn", the eerie crime drama with motor-bike, lamp-post, and Richard Sekel.

We are above-all grateful to the staff of the school for their unstinted and valued assistance."

Now, there is still a competition afoot which is now in two parts:

Part 1: What was David Levine's opening line which "will long be remembered by boys at the School"? Since no one earlier could supply this, I asked David, and he replied, with his usual modesty:

"One absolutely brilliant off the cuff line I clearly remember....but it was not at the opening....but brought the house down it did."

I am sure Chris Tennant can arrange the usual prize of Viagra or Prozac to anyone who can remember either the openning line or indeed the David's later line that "brought the house down".
