Rod Wise writes:
"During my early years in physics I recall a physics teacher who habitually wore the sartorial grey
dust coat (perhaps they all did). On one occasion he was demonstrating the principles of the
hand operated lift pump when the pump outlet hose became entangled in the dreaded dust coat.
Oblivious to this minor matter the teacher continued this most practical demonstration of
the lift pump by pumping water out of the laboratory sink and depositing it into the insides of his
dust coat. The pump lifting capacity was amply demonstrated by the speed of the stain spreading
down the dust coat, it still brings tears to my eyes.
Someone recently mentioned the deilghtful Jeanette Spiers, I was in her 5th year French class
and failed the subject miserably though, in consolation, learnt an awful lot about the female
anatomy. During one period Ms Spiers was wearing a hip hugging little number (didn't she
always) with zipper down the back. I may be castigated for this assertion, but I think that Keith
Wallace ran his ruler down the back of the constraining zipper. Ms Spiers
spun around to confront the offender who had by this time had returned to head-down studious
position, gigggles pervaded the room as the rest of us wished that we'd had the fortitude to weild
the ruler.
During my first year I had placed my new school case in a line up of other cases along the
western side of the quad while we carried out some long forgotten activity. There was a group of
workmen doing some building works on top of the assembly room and one of them dropped a
house brick down onto the line of cases. Murphy's law being what it is, the workman scored a
direct hit on my case which succumbed to the force and bent in half. My
mother never believed that the accident happened in this manner, she always thought that I had
been pursuing some near criminal activity that saw the destruction of a case that had probably
cost dad half his weekly earnings.
Could you imagine the inquiry that would take place today over such an incident, but in those
years I was simply told by the deputy to take the case home and repair it.
I wish my memory was better, particularly in relation to the last day at school where we did
some sort of tour of duty bombarding North Sydney Tech and NSGHS with rotten fruit and
other missiles, does anyone else recall this
activity ?
Hope the above brings a smile."
John Butterowrth writes:
Dear Ron,
Even though the Old Falconians' Union golf day at Pymble on Tues 10 April was officially
cancelled due to very heavy overnight rain, 7 of us played, and had a marvellous 18 holes on a
superb course - without a drop of rain. I played with graduates of the 'Classes of somewhere
between 1946 and 1952'.
I was told (and showed photos ) of a group of them visiting Arthur Henry and his invalid wife in
Feb '01 at his property in the Hunter Valley, and was quite touched by the friendship and
respect between all parties.
I also told them all of our current prolonged 're-union' via the email, and showed them a couple
of the latest printouts. Some were quite impressed by the speed, ease, humour and
ever-incresing frankness/intimacy of this form of instant communication, (ie email), and hence,
the Old Falconians Union would like to access as many email and postal addresses as possible
to keep all advised of coming events each year eg annual dinner, golf day etc. They have
otherwise been having some difficulty contacting old boys from all years.
The main contact is Malcom Brodie whose email address is mal_brodie@one.net.au [Please
note that there is an underscore line between 'mal' and 'brodie' that isn't showing up on my
screen as I type this"
I shall liaise with the Old Falconian's Union as suggested by John...
Alan Wyburn (a while ago) wrote:
"I think that there was an A P Wynter at the school. I recall that during the Leaving Certificate
exams I was student no 169 ( the lucky thirteen squared), 'AP' was just behind me as no. 170
and Hansen Yee was no. 171. The only thing I remember about AP was his endearing habit of
asking for another workbook in every exam after 40 minutes, while I was still checking to see if I
had spelt my name correctly on the front page."
Leo Radom (radom@rsc.anu.edu.au) who has the task of tracing AP Wynter would
appreciate hearing from anyone who has any leads on the endearing AP....
I shall be away camping in the Macquarie Marshes in northwest NSW over Easter and
there will therefore be a short break in NSBH missives while I am away.. Do I hear sighs
of relief.......????