The incredibly resourceful Rod Wise writes:
"Phil McKenzie is alive, well, and looking forward to the reunion. He is a full-time abstract
painter, without email. His details are as follows:
Philip E. McKenzie, 3 Shellsea Avenue, Nord's Wharf, NSW, 2281 (Tel) 02.4972-6230"
"Nigel Muir has been emailed re the details of the reunion, emails, etc.
His address is: P.O. Box 245, New Canaan, CT, 06840, USA; His home phone no is: 0011 1
203 972.3277; His home FAX no is: 0011 1 203 972 7391
His email address is: nigelmuir@yahoo.com"
Tony Friend writes:
"Graham Balfe recently wrote:" I'm trying to locate Robert Blyton and Graham Campbell and am
getting nowhere. PLEASE HELP ME. Every snippet of info would be appreciated. Did anyone
know them at uni?
What did they do at uni? Does anyone know a friend of theirs (not necessarily NSBHS) from
uni who may have kept up with them? Have they gone overseas? What are their second
initials? Did they marry each other? ANYTHING WILL HELP."
This is a great example of why we need some sort of master list, so we can keep track of who
we know about, and what we know about them. I'm hoping that our web site will fill the bill.
I think Murray was a friend of Bob Blyton. In fact, I think one of them married the other's sister,
although I can't remember which did what. That would have been a lead on Bob (although it's
obviously not much use now). I think Warwick Wilson was one of that group, but I don't think
we have Warwick on our list. John Harkness was a part of that group also, if I remember
correctly, although he may not admit it now.
As an aside, I think David Madrers was one of us, and I don't think he is on any list, either. Isn't
it weird that we can't get complete lists of enrollees of the school? Doesn't the school have to
keep records like that? We should be able to get a list of enrollees, and check it off against our
lists. We'd probably identify a whole lot more lost bretheren."
Perhaps Marc Thompson and Leo Radom (who have kindly taken over the co-ordinating
of the search for lost brethren) can follow this up....
Are you wondering how Rod Wise does it? Here are two versions of his patent methods as
told to Marc Thompson:
(1) "Marc, old son. No great mystery.
I have all the enrolment lists of everyone who came to the school between 1957 and 1961,
particularly 1957 and 1960, which were the two main intakes for our year.
Those enrolment lists tell us three important things:
1. the full name of the person in our year - for example, the elusive phil McKenzie is Philip Evan
McKenzie which gives us a big start. I now have an address for him near newcastle, but no
phone number as yet.
2. It gives the then home address and the name of the parent.
We can then go to the 1958 or 1961 commonmwealth electoral roll and find out the full names
of both parents. (In this regard our school drew its pupils from largely four electorates -
warringah, north sydney, bennelong and
bradfield.) we can then go the latest statewide or national electoral microfche and see if
someone by either of those two names (dad and mum, that is) are still enrolled. From there we
can go to the relevant phone book and have a chat to them.
All this stuff is in the family history section up at the state Library in macquarie street. The phone
numbers are on the Net but not the electoral stuff. it is fantastic. They have microfiche copies of
every page of every electorate going back to federation. But you have to go up there to use it.
The Commonwealth electoral office in campbell street has all the up-to-date stuff, but how far
back it goes I dunno.
Now let me tell you, my son, the system works.
Ronaldo witton asked me if I could seek out the even more elusive nigel muir. Well, this very
morning i have just come back from the state Library where, using the above procedure, i have
found that niggel's mother is still alive. And i have a phone number for her, so later today I
will give her a ring and make contact.
Now if the system draws a complete blank , in that both parents are deceased or living overseas,
you have two courses of action. look at later rolls to see if there was a brother (remember it was
21 yo enrolment back then, not 18) who may be still around. or if worse comes to the worst go knocking
on neighbouring houses to see if anyone remembers what happened to them.
Like a Dog with a bone, mate. Good huntin'."
(2) "Marc, it is really quite simple.
Back in 1991 I went back to the school and got photocopies of all the annual enrolment forms
for 1957-61, particularly for years 1957 and 1960 which were
are our main intake years. Those forms tell us three vital pieces of information.
1. The full name of the pupil. for example, the elusive phil mcKenzie is philip Evan McKenzie,
and i have found that there is such a person currently enrolled and living near swansea. (He is not
listed in the phone directory, however.)
2. It gives us their then residential address.
3. it gives us the name of the parent.
We can then go the 1958 or 1961 commonwealth electoral roll (for wrringah, north sydney,
bennelong or bradfield, the four electorates from which we drew almost all out pupils) and find
the parent. We then have the full names of both parents and any older siblings.
With that info, we can go to the current NSW or interstate alphabetical microfiche and find
whether any persons by any of those names is still enrolled.
If so, we can then go to the relevant white pages and get a phone number. then away you go.
Now, believe me, the system works. In fact, this very morning in response to a request from
ronaldo witton I have been looking for nigel muir. And i have
found his Mum, in a retirement village in forestville. I now have her phone number and I'll give
her a ring later today.
None of this electoral stuff is on the Net; it is up at the state library in Macquarie Street in the
family History section, but is easily accessible. the phone numbers, of course, are on the Net.
Happy hunting.
P.S. if you need to know the names and addresses of anyone in particular let me know and I'll
dig them out for you."
Tony Friend writes:
"I expect to have my Web staff back up to speed next Monday, so we should start getting
together the information and format we want to use on the Web site.
Let's pick a name - I think the feeling was something like
At some point in the past, someone, I think Harley Wright, had put together a Word doc that
had a list of students and teachers with their respective contact info. An updated version of that
would be a great place to start. I have copies of most of your emails, and I can extract the
comments of most of the villians and organize them in some sort of reasonable format, along with
photos and bio's when we get them.
If the committee, or anyone else, has thoughts on how this
should be presented, I'd love to hear them. Marcus Thompson, in particular, probably has some
ideas. Over to you"
Perhaps this can be put on the agenda for the OC meeting next Monday???
Kim Davidson writes:
"Camel Davidson.WOW. I had totally forgotten that appelation. I guess it was due to an
insatiable thirst for water from the bubblers. It would have been more appropriate in later years
for the equally copius-consumption of a variety of other coloured liquids.Who is the person who
recalled that name??"
endenth yet another lesson