Bernie Marks writes:
"Charles Troutman is a lawyer in guam. he graduated BA (Wheaton College), JD (American University) and MCL (Southern Methodist). he was attorney-general of guam (1975-77) and presently works for the a-g's office there in appeals. he is also responsible for publishing the laws of guam."

I have written to him and sent some of the past e-mails including the sensitive comments on how Australia is trying at last to deal with the bullying culture that NSBH (and the Armed Forces) promoted and condoned... I also assured him he would receive a much better reception now....

Kim Davidson writes:
Dear All,
I am normally a serious chap like the rest of you. Usually focused on the myriad of issues that we all seem to be confronted by, such as my 2 year old grandson accidentally burning down the family "estate", or the sundry other things that make up the daily grind. Having said that I find I am now actually looking forward to the next issue of The Class of ' 61 Memoirs , that comes every morning (it seems). There is some very funny stuff in there. Is anyone planning to cobble together all of these emails , etc. into some kind of year book??( which one of you feels an urge to publish??)
Each anecdote seems to bring back a little nugget of memory and in doing so takes me back to the short pants (1st year only of course) and the chalk filled schoolroom of my youth and as I revisit those times I can also recall the non- school moments of my life in the '50's.(like clothes props being sold door to door,rabbits being chopped up on the tailgate of the ute out front, and walking 4 miles after the constipated bakers horse to get fresh manure for my mothers favorite(try only ) rose bush.!! Condensed milk sandwiches----dessert to follow the Tomato sauce sandwiches,!! Hang on?? Whoa?? I was poor white trash.!! NO NO It was someone elses life I was flashing back to.Or was it?
Anyhow for all you serious minded, mature folks( all of us closing hard on 60) that are now scattered to the 4 winds in a variety of roles, I am getting a big kick out of reading your recollections etc.
Unfortunately my cell mate (Bubba) is stirring , so I must "away" as the confinement is making him tense, but someone should officially record all this stuff.

Kim Davidson
Class of 60, 61 and 62
PS My mother said I would never amount to anything ,nor that I could remain serious for more than 3 paragraphs. She was right !"

Bill Mirow writes:
"Rod Wise must have been with me in my mother's Austin A40 {1950 model}on that last day at school.It was a dreadful machine.Only a genius could get it moving without a kangaroo start,and it would jump out of third gear within five seconds of engagement.We drove into the grounds of North Sydney Tech and North Sydney Girls High,and let fly with some sort of water spout that someone had constructed,together with assorted other missiles.We didn't get caught.Later in the day a few of us drove down to the Northern beaches where we had a swim at Bungan Beach,and drank beer at the Newport Arms Hotel.I can remember a great feeling of freedom at being released from this school,which sometimes seemed more like a day prison.I suppose it gave us an education,and we extracted as much enjoyment as we could from it,despite{in some cases}falling foul of a few of the less flexible masters."

The incomparably resourceful Rod Wise writes:
"Nigel muir has been found, living in the US (and not very far from Camel Davidson). Contact will be made with him in the next couple of days and an email acquired. More later."

Rod Wise writes further:
"The market was obviously a truer indication of demand for thevenerable History of NSBHS 1912-62 by H.M. Storey than panicked email messages flying among sentimental quinquagenarians. Of the four copies for sale on the Internet a month ago, only one has been bought since. It was a pretty crappy book anyway. I suggest , as editor, you declare this correspondence closed."

Greg James' bio:

"By comparison with some of the bios I have seen, mine is fairly straightforward.

Thanks to some eye problems, I gave up surfing a few years back but still ski occasionally. Other than that, after leaving school, I did a BA and then Law, part time, at Sydney University, working in various bizarre jobs including from shoe salesman and lifeguard in the Legal Aid Commission and then with one of Sydney's major firms of solicitors.

I then became a barrister and, for some reason about which it is probably not good to speculate, developed a fairly interesting criminal law practice, acting for some notable, if criminal, characters. I also became involved in various enquiries including into British nuclear tests, the building industry, Aboriginal deaths in custody and, in due course, got involved in prosecutions for war crimes.

Since then, I have taken this appointment to the Supreme Court.

I have been and am, once again, a New South Wales Law Reform Commissioner and have been a consultant to the Australian Law Reform Commission.

In 1978, I married Barbara Ramjan who is a philosopher a tribunal member. We have two sons, Evan, aged 18, doing physiotherapy and Liam, aged 15.

I am finding this deluge of information and rush to electronic reunion quite intimidating, but overall I think it is very good to hear from you all (if my computers, e-mail and archiving capacity can stand it)."
