Leo Radom writes:
"Spoke with Ian Robertson last night. His address is 130 Goyder Street, Narrabundah, ACT
2604, phone (02)-6295 0151 and his email is
ian.robertson@netspeed.com.au He was in the teaching ranks but is currently a counsellor."
Graham Balfe writes:
I have spoken to Mike Woodburn at last. His address is:
1/23 Tarooki St Bellara Qld 4507 (ie on Bribie Island on the Sunshine Coast)
Phone: (07)
3410 7057
Email: mikewoodburn@yahoo.com "
Ron Isaacs writes:
"I am very saddened to learn of the passing of Rob McIntyre. I had very long contact with
him after '61. We completed Elec. Eng. at Sydney Uni. together and then worked at the same
company, ( Racal Electronics) for the next 5 and a half years before going separate ways on
our careers. After that we periodically exchanged 'phone calls. As he was living in Brisbane
our physical paths rarely crossed.
I know that he had problems with cancer about four years ago. I last saw Rob about 18
months ago and he was looking well if somewhat thin. At that time it seemed that all was under
control. I was looking forward to catching up with him again at the reunion but alas it was not
meant to be.
I have been following all the banter with some amusement. It seems to me that almost every
incident I have recalled, someone has already put into print. Its great fun. Like most of us, I
suspect my memories suffer from both Tempus forget and that form of nostalgia that makes the
past appear more exciting than it perhaps was. As I recall, the stirs and pranks were not an
everyday occurrence which perhaps is why they stand out in our memory.
Unlike some, I do not think I am emotionally disturbed by the summary justice that was the
system of discipline. I also cynically suspect that we were encouraged in some way to develop
initiative. I agree with whoever it was who said that it actually prepared us for real life.
With regard to teachers, several instances come to mind. The strangest was a "punishment"
given to our whole class in first year by an ancient history teacher ( I think it was Misty?
{Myth-ty?} Mac?). We had given him such a hard time that he was rendered practically
speechless - I can still remember the sight of his tongue being caught between a gap in his
teeth. - Oh the punishment ? He refused to come to the classroom to teach us!! I presume
we were all meant to fail. As I recall none of us did. Nor am I emotionally scarred from the
gap in my knowledge the period of history we were actually supposed to study.
There was an elderly maths teacher by the name of James affectionately known as "dim Jim".
Legend has it that he turned up to a class one day seven minutes late and asked "have I got
you boys this period?" He was told " No sir we have Mr James", whereby he left the room
and returned about 5 minutes later looking rather sheepish. It reputedly happened during our
third year ('59) but I was not in his class so I do not know if it is real or just a myth.
The class master was able to wield the cane and deliver immediate punishment. In second
year our class master was from the science department. - I can not remember his name - I
have an image of not very tidy hair and an equally untidy lab coat, (in year five he was deputy
to Moulton in the physics dept). He was short, (probably not much taller than the average kid
in second year). We had a student called O'Bern who was at least 6 ft and who towered over
the hapless class teacher. O'Bern didn't really have the heart to attend school so he was often
away, (he left at the end of third year). On one occasion when he returned to class he was
asked where his note was. "I haven't finished writing it Sir!" was the prompt reply. "Out the
front" was the equally prompt reply. The cane appeared and O'Bern was told to raise his
hand. O'Bern simply put his palm too high for the cane to reach. I don't remember exactly
what happened next except that trying not to laugh out loud was difficult. I have no
recollection of any further attempt to administer the cane to O'Bern by that particular teacher.
My feeling overall about NSBHS is that it was a privilege to be there. We were presented
with an environment where to strive for excellence was the norm. In the process we acquired
not only raw knowledge but also the foundation that enabled us to value and use knowledge. If
we review what we have achieved since, I think we will find NSBHS played a pivotal part in
the process.
Re: the still missing:
I recall once meeting Bill Carter. He did Electrical Engineering at NSW Uni. so someone in
that dept, may be able to track him down from UNSW records. ( Hansen Yee perhaps - I
know he says we all look alike... but who knows?)
Re: Myself,
Electrical Engineering at Sydney Uni., then practised as an Engineer with various companies
until 1983, Then left the design arena to join a business (that I now own), which imports
packaging machines and other allied equipment. I was married in '67 and we have two
children (one married), No grandchildren. I still wear glasses, what is left of my hair is grey."
Tony Friend is very kindly constructing a website where we can all easily access each
other's whereabouts/contact details. He would love to have any graphics/images to, in
his words, "spark up" the site.
Can anyone scan in/send him such material?
To: tf@ASO.com; or by mail: 28 Twin Oaks Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901, USA.
Here's a chance to dig out some old memorabilia/photos and preserve them for
eternity... Perhaps we should run a competition for the most bizarre item anyone can
My first nomination goes to David Levine who a few months ago sent me a copy of the
Program of our 1961 Fifth Year Review "The Fifth Year Foolies" (the text of which I
sent out in an earlier e-mail). On the front of the program was the school badge but
with a poor plucked falcon and the school motto underneath replaced by "He who got
I shall begin by sending this on to Tony....
If you have anything to offer, please communicate directly with Tony.