Michael Vowels has sent the following bio:

"BMBS 1968

Worked in various hospitals and general practice, and then specialised in Radiology qualifying in 1976. In my 20s I decided to enjoy life, good food, femmes fatales, movies and rock’n’roll. I married at 34 (once) and have two daughters 19 and 17. One is doing business/law and the other is completing her HSC.

I work in private and hospital practices. I got lucky in that I picked a field that I enjoy and which stimulates my mind.

We have a happy marriage and travel a lot (to conferences). I am looking forward to retiring. I am still in good health.

My memories of NSBHS are excellent. First class teaching, which gave us the opportunity to do whatever we wished in life. Sure there were downsides, however, I have educated myself and turned myself into a reasonable person.

We have moved into semi retirement at Balmoral beach. I have had a lot of fun, probably too much, and unfortunately I have become more of a workaholic with time."

Remember to check out our web-page (http://www.NSBHS1961.com/) as Tony Friend (TF@Aso.Com) is very kindly continually updating it with bios etc and anything else sent to him by any of us...

By the way, final details of ****THE EVENT*** on Saturday night 20 October and Sunday lunch 21 October will be announced soon...
