Dear Committee (and Doug Mill who is on teacher inviting):
Harley has written:
I bumped into Colin Bowser at the farewell for the retiring past head, Bernie Newson. Nancy D was there
too. Col said he would be interested in getting details of our function / get an invite. Do I send it to him
and if so, do I say it is on the house or he has to pay?
We also know that Graham Boardman lives in Mosman/Cremorne, and also Doug Mill has contact with Bill Toft who "expressed
an interest to come and maybe bring some teacher mates".
The situation with teachers thus far is that Nancy Deans was somewhat unilaterally invited as a guest so she is a given (and anyway
she has come to past functions and is a bit of a special case).
I am assuming it would be beaut to have teachers. Do we just assume that teachers will pay their way or do we have enough cash to
cover them as guests, or at a discount? Please let me know as soon as possible...
Oh yes, one other matter in the same vein. Keith Simpson-Lyttle wrote to me:
"Young Ron
I cannot afford the Saturday but the Sunday kick looks OK. At this stage it would be me tasol.
If the person looking after this could e-mail back.
em tasol
Keith Simpson-Lyttle"
Keith appears to have spent some time in the New Guinea highlands (hence his pigeon "Tasol = That's all). Should we on the quiet
just invite him as our guest??? I am inclined to do so given his honesty about his situation...
Anyway, let me know your thoughts, especially those looking after budgeting... In all these cases, we shall run with the majority
opinion of those who reply...
By the way, we are now just over 80 as "ye"s, we have 30 who are "no", and about 55 who have not replied. I am about to do a
mail out where each "no reply" will be assigned to a "yes" who will contact them and report back. I'll do that after the mail on
Monday (to allow for letters posted last Friday). That means we should know numbers pretty well by the end of next week...