Dear OC Members
re Teachers and those $ challenged.
How about we invite, as our guests, all the teachers interested (and interesting!) and our colleague, S-L who
can't afford it. I expect our budget won't cover this, so rather than burden Ron and especially Barry with
more work now on raising extra cash, what say we take a punt and ask for donations on the night. Two issues
with this;-
- I am not sure if this would be polite in front of those invited as guests but I feel if put
nicely "due to overwhelming interest from our old teachers, whom we have as guests, we need a
few extra bucks. Donations now to X, Y or Z would be appreciated, say $5 or $10 is
suggested". If we ask later in the evening when all are well oiled I expect wallets would open
Nb: if we averaged $7/head of say 90 attendees, ie, $630, this would cover 8 freebies. Sounds
about right. Barry might comment.
- We may not get enough. I doubt this would be the case but if so I feel that a few of us
could probably put in the extra, maybe we (organising committee) might have to put in say $50
each. And of course on Sunday we get another stab at getting donations.
Seeing how Col Bowser and Nancy were having such a good time at Bernie Newson's retirement farewell
(former headmaster) a few months back, I feel that if there is a fair roll up of teachers, say 5 to 10 they
would get a lot out of it amongst themselves. As someone said earlier, we will be reminiscing about childish
exploits. So if there are a number of them, they can reminisce about their times at the school or whatever.
But let's not go overboard seeking the last one - only those with whom we have some contact and who express
some interest.
The above ideas go against the earlier thoughts not to ask a phalanx of teachers so I am not pushing hard on
this - just an idea. But on reflection I do think a handful or so would get a buss out of it and it wouldn't be
a big ask for another $5 or $10 on the night.
Others thoughts?