The attached e-mail contains two photos which may be of use for the NSBHS website.

The first was taken in February 1960 by a photographer for the Sydney Morning Herald. From left to right, it shows Paul Hohnen, John Harkness and Nigel Muir. The reason for these Falconians being perched in the boot of Chevy (I think) is that we had been hitch-hiking at Cremorne Junction in an unusually diligent effort to reach school during a bus strike and were offered this seating by a passing driver whose car was already full. The photo did actually appear in the next day's paper.

The second was also taken by the Sydney Morning Herald. It shows eight NSBHS cadets getting organised on the train at Grand Central on the way to Singleton in 1958 or 1959 (I believe it was most likely 1958). I cannot identify everyone. Third from the left is David Lincey, and fourth is Ken Walker (I think). Of the three faces on the right of the photo, I can only identify Graham Birse (at the top) and myself in the middle. I don't recall whether this photo was ever printed.

Hope these bring back some old memories for some.


Photo 1
Photo 2