Chris Gibson on Murray Sime:
Someone, I think it was Peter Morrisson, was asking about Murray Sime. I maintained a close friendship with Murray from school
days until his death early last year after a mercifully short brush with cancer. During our respective dry spells during the 70’s and 80’s
we were each other’s "lenders of the last resort"
Murray was married to Meredith, sister of Robyn Byrne in 1967 and had one son Joe.
Murray graduated with a Master of Laws and worked initially as an associate with the NSW Attorney General’s until he made the
front page (the first of several appearances during his career) for organising moratorium marches From the AG’s office using AG’s
phone as the contact number.
He was invited to join major Australian mining organisation Vam by its radical CEO, Frank Close who approved of Murray’s
activities. Unfortunately the forces of darkness again closed in as Vam was shut down by a US oil coy which sought Vam’s
controlling interest in Australian offshore gas.
Murray then set up Diogenes, a mining and investment coy. He later moved to Esso as tax counsel where he sought to patent several
tax minimisation schemes. Most of his working life however was spent at Citibank where he held the position of VP until 1998 when
he left to set up his own merchant bank.
I guess my memories of Murray stem more from Rugby Days; the North Shore Fencing Club – a front for some outrageous parties
on the lower NS; Murray’s Balmain parties – Chairman Mao’s Birthday on Boxing Day in particular was legend; his commitment to
the emerging Balmain scene - of which was a strong element as owner of the Riverview Hotel, Director of Balmain Leagues Club and
pro bono legal counsel to many local lags.
He also supported Australian literature and was instrumental in setting up a copyright council to protect authors interests. At the same
time Murray managed several writers including Frank Moorehouse.