Dear All,
On behalf of your Organising Committee I would like to thank you for the very many e-mails, letters and phone calls (from both brethren and the very appreciative staff) that have been flowing in since the week-end in appreciation of the Committee's labour of love.

Rest assured we enjoyed ourselves as much as you did. It was truly a memorable and moving occasion. While the political and social views expressed at the dinner indicated ours is a broad church, it has been noticeable to the organising committee that your generosity of spirit (and indeed finance) shows that we do really care for each other in a most compassionate way.

I think we all realise that we, who 45 years ago were accidentally thrown together for some five years, developed a unique bond that will always remain with us.

On a practical note, Tony Friend has agreed to keep maintaining the website so from now on you can send things (yet to be written bios, change of address/phone number/e-mail) to him at: TF@Aso.Com

The webpage:
will thus remain a permanent but up-to-date record for future events and individual contact.

On the week-end, many of you produced wonderful photos which would be beaut to include witrh the wonderful photos already on the "gallery" section of the web-page. Can I suggest that before these priceless photos are lost, that you have them scanned and send them to Tony for inclusion on the web-page. This is particularly so for school photos (of which we all have one or two) which are very clear and come up really well on the web-page.

In terms of the future, it has been proposed that we organise a low-key Sunday lunch (perhaps at the golf club again?) once a year, and a dinner every five years. If you want tobe told about such events, I suggest you try to remember to up-date your details on the web-page if they change.

Many brethren kept asking how they had been found. I have attached to this e-mail, a document from Marc Thompson which outlines the Wise-based system (combined with Thompson doggedness) which led to virtually all the brethren being found after 40 years....

Finally, on a personal note, I thought I would reproduce an e-mail I just received from John Kenniwell and Paddy Dawson which shows the depth of compassion of our broad church's brethren who can show concern for any poor soul who might be afflicted:

Again thanks for all your efforts and that of the committee for what has been a great experience - however Paddy and I are concerned that the next few weeks may be difficult for you and were discussing how we could support you over the next few weeks as you withdraw from 'emailism'- the need to get up at three in the morning and start corresponding around the countryside, rushing to open your email at every opportunity, using other people's equipment when you couldn't wait for your own 'fix',going out secure in the knowledge that a warm email will be waiting for you when you return home - these are just some of the ways in which your life has become unmanageable - Ron, we want to be there for you.

I guess the first thing to accept is that you are not alone - it is O.K. to talk about it and share your experiences (preferably by means other than email!!!)- don't hide the fact that 'emailism' has got you - help is available - maybe starting with a telephone call every now and again, or writing a letter using pen, ink and paper - there are lots of ways that you can unlearn this maladaptive behaviour.

To this end both Paddy and I promise to immediately 'email' you if things get on top of you - an occasional lapse is understandable - so if you feel the need to send off a series of 'emails' as a quick fix, we'll respond - but we will also help you taper off if this is your preferred means of combatting this perilous disease ( if you prefer to go 'cold turkey' we'll support you in this effort as well) - alternatively a course of CBT may be the answer if you do not subscribe to the 'disease' model.

Again, thanks to everyone involved (and a special mention for Tony Friend) and look forward to the next effort !!!!


Marc Thompson on how to find Brethren