Dear Committee,
I realize that the thank-you e-mails I've been getting have also been addressed to you, so below is what I have
received. Nancy Deans also phoned to say how much she enjoyed herself...
What I have received:
Dear Ron,
Many many thanks for what you have done for us, and also to the committee. I enjoyed meeting so many
old friends again, and the oval was a picture!
All the best
Jim Walker
Well done Ron and your co-workers!
The reunion has been a spectacular success and must give you a great sense of satisfaction to finally see
the fruits of so many months of hard labour.
I was pleasantly surprised to find how many of the old brethren I was able to remember once the cobwebs
started to slowly clear from the memory cells.
It was a particular pleasure to have a long chat to Alex McAndrew a teacher whose obvious love of his
subject and his profession shone through in his teaching style.
Congratulations and roll on the 50th!
Rob Ferguson
Many thanks for what you have done and for Saturday night. 10 out of 10!
Who was the guy who walked out in disgust? Must have been at the wrong party.
I still don't think half the men there on Saturday were at NSBHS at all...my memory couldn't be that bad?
N Dean stole the show...quite a lady!
Again many thanks..
Peter Coppleston
And thanks from me too...