Dear Ron,
This message is to add to the collection mentioned in your last message.
I simply want to add my own thanks to the ones you've already received. The effort you and the other committee
members put in was enormous, and I felt that the end result was fittingly excellent. Here's hoping that there can be a
repeat in 2011!
Best wishes,
Ross Thomas
Ron, strength to you, to Marc, to Barry, to Harley, to Dave ..to who all
who did so much to make the weekend the great success it was. The general
catching up was great as was the particular - for me seeing Ron Matthews
after 35 odd years bought back many memories. In fact Ron phoned last night
and said he couldn't stop thinking about old times since the event.
Your last email had "there wasn't supposed to be any more" in the title.
Totally wrong Witton, this is now bigger than all of us and cannot be
stopped. We are now a vast tontine moving irresistably on - all looking
forward to next October's casual Sunday and then the next.
Again, great work and enjoy your next vacation!
Ian Kaplin
I shall report on the financial position in the next days. I'm sure we are in the black.
Barry Silverton
Dear Ron, I appreciate that people must be pretty burnt out after all the organising of the wekend, but I wondered if at
some time in the future someone might be able to summarise the key moments of the evening for those of us who
were unable to be there, and also for the record?
Geoff Kewley
Anyone wants to try?????